About US

Ryan Trent Oldham has been a Licensed Clinical Massage Therapist since 2016. His interest in the field grew from seeing the difference palliative care gave to a family member in poor health. He wanted to make a difference in both mind and body and started his education at The SOMA Institute for Clinical Massage Therapy in Chicago, Illinois. 

With a professional performance and dance background, he was able to merge all the things he loves in his work; connecting with people, providing high quality result-driven work, and helping people through injury or chronic pain. He went through a bout of chronic pain for a year when he herniated a disc after performing in a show. He couldn't walk, sit, stand, sleep nevertheless dance or perform. This inspired him to delve deeper into the psychology of pain and pain perception. After a life changing surgery which gave him his quality of life back, he felt better inspired at giving his clients effective bodywork that enables them to live in their bodies pain free or as close to it as possible.